Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Doomed Before it Begins?

OK seriously life, WTF.  Yes things have become so crazy over the last couple months that I have broken down to saying things like WTF & OMG.

So my last post was about the life events/hurdles that have threatened this Germany trip.  Apparently I forgot to include myself so life threw me a curve ball. (yes I realize the date stamp on the last post was the same as this but that's just because I have delayed in actually publishing my posts and I'm doing several all at once.)

Anyway my hurdle...

How to begin.  Pops.  Well it turns out that pops, who is 78 years old, found himself in a position where he was being evicted.  It sounds bad, but here's the situation.  You see my dad has been renting the home I grew up in for 36 years.  The woman who actually owns the home is even older than pops even though I didn't think that was possible :)  We believe her health has been declining and her children are helping her to consolidate her assets before anything unfortunate happens to her.  As a result the home my dad has lived in for so long was being sold out from under him.  That's right, after 36 years he was being given the ol heave ho & told to vacate the property in 45 days which was by the end of March.  As I sit here typing this post up I still shake my head and wonder how or why they would give him such short notice after being their longest and most reliable tenant.  Luckily my family is very close and very protective.  My brother, pops and I got together and hatched a plan.  Pops would move in with me.  

Great!  I had just purchased my flights and now I had to stop all planning on my Germany trip and move/rearrange everything on the back half of my house in order to accommodate my dad's things.  Don't get me wrong, I love my dad dearly and would do absolutely anything for him, its just that the timing kind of sucked ass.  Not that there is ever a good time to be evicted...ok hopefully you understand what I mean.  So, I find myself packing and cleaning and moving.  Did you know that after 36 years my pops had managed to hoard...uhm I mean save a shit ton of shit.  We literally had one of those waste management bagsters filled to the point we were concerned it would be overweight with crapola that we were cleaning out of the house and garage.  He has things that he hasn't seen or touched in nearly the whole time he has lived there.  We did unarchive several old family pictures which started me on a family tree kick.  I mean how could I not considering I'm going to Germany and my Great Grandpa on my father's side came straight off the boat!!

Anyway, cut to 45 days later and my pops has now been safely moved into my house and is as snug as a bug in a rug...or 2 rooms and garage and a huge storage unit :)

I wish that is the end of my hurdle story.  Oh see as we started to plan some more (and by plan I mean trying to figure a good time to Skype given our 11 hour time difference between me and my travel buddies).  Well during that time frame pops decided that moving in was not enough fun and so he somehow came down with an infection called Orchitis.  Oh dear baby Jesus, this infection is located in his boy parts...lets just say the ball jokes ran wild.  On a serious note it landed pops in the hospital from May 17th thru the 28th.  I nearly every day at the hospital with him.  When he was released home I then had to play nurse and give him an additional 9 days of IV antibiotics.  Oh did I mention that I had the joy of cleaning my dad's junk and ever so pleasant catheter as well.  Good times my friends good times.  

Soooo, I am set to leave for Germany, well I have my plane tickets and I have my rail pass, but I have absolutely no idea what the trip will bring as I have put absolutely 0 planning into this.  I have to give a big thanks to my friends who have found lodgings for us.  

I am so ready for this vacay to start.

13 days and counting my friends!!

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