Thursday, July 16, 2015

Beautiful Turbulence

Here I sit, row 16 seat J.  My own personal oasis on a plane.  Blissfully the seat next to me is unoccupied and I am able to spill my blanket, pillow and other unnecessary miscellaneous crap into a heap vs having to find a miraculous way to shove it all into the seat back of the guy in front of me.  I thought there was going to be in-flight wifi but I was clearly living in dream land just like I was when I dreamt that the airline would randomly bump me up to 1st class.  Auf Wiedershoen GOT season 5 marathon viewing,  by now it's clear to say that Jon Snow is not the only one who knows nothing.  Next let's turn to the in flight entertainment.  I have opted to watch "Into the Woods" as I am one the few musical theater fans who missed it in the theater.  I got as far as the main characters actually going to to the woods when bam!  The in flight entertainment system takes the proverbial dump.  The "in flight cabin director" comes over the P.A. System to announce that they have to reset the system and it will be back up shortly.  That was about 20 minutes ago.

So here I sit, wondering what to do with myself when an angel approached. Thank the heavens and powers that be, the steward for my section of the plane is an Irishman.  He very politely asked me what beverage I'd like and I just said "red wine me please".  He then proceeded to hand me  2 bottles and said "that's what I'd want if I were in your seat".  He then told me he can offer me more wine with dinner if I would be so inclined.  Uh is the Pope Catholic!!

I am 1 bottle in, I think the entertainment system is back up and as of this minute I don't care that my flight was nearly an hour late departing (I should note I now have 30 min to make my connecting flight.  I should be worried, but steward gets me, life is good!

((FYI this was written before I landed...upon landing I had to re scan through Heathrow security and by the time I was done I was quite literally running for the gate and I made it as they were making the final call for passengers!  But I made it, hot and sweating...but on time!!))

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